Worldwide Joggling Updates
You come here to look for all things joggling and that’s why we’re here. That and the fact that I love writing almost as much as I like joggling. Here is just a sample of what’s going on in the joggling world.
1. TheLobby blog gives information about the upcoming International Juggling Festival in Lexington, Kentucky. On joggling they say
“And if you’re still game to give juggling a try, there are several workshops that will help you hone your technique, and even teach you the finer points of “joggling,” which is juggling while jogging. As if juggling while standing in one place wasn’t hard enough.”
2. Tim reports that he’s spreading the joggling bug around San Diego. He discovered that a new neighbor of his is a juggler and runner and they’re going to start joggling together. The next time I visit San Diego, I’ll join them.
3. UK joggler Ralph K. managed to break the 30 minute barrier in the Leeds University 5K around Hyde Park. The impressive part is he only recently gave joggling a try. Great work Ralph. We’ll be doing an interview with him soon.
4. Florida joggler Matt Feldman reports a successful 10 mile, drop free joggle. He also says he’s recently set PRs in both a 5K and 4 mile run (non joggling). No doubt he will be ready to challenge the joggling 5K world record soon.
5. Speaking of joggling 5K, the current joggling marathon world record holder Michal Kapral and newcomer Simon the Ecojoggler will be squaring off on a track this summer. No doubt one of these guys will be able to break the current 5K joggling world record time of 16:55.
6. Gus from Lexington reports that he joggled his first 10K recently. I can’t wait to meet him at the world championships.
7. Snap juggling method developer Joe Havlick reports successfully completing a drop-free joggling 5K during the Philly Triathlon a couple weeks ago. He says he’ll never go back to regular running again.
8. UK joggler Tim A. is training hard for an upcoming half marathon joggle. He’s also considering some super long distance joggling runs like a relay around the world. That would be fun! Check out his joggling website www.joggling.co.uk.
9. South African joggler and regular JYAJ commenter Flurpy provided this link to a discussion page about joggling in South Africa. It seems lots of other people in the running community are recognizing him.
10. And finally, thanks to the great juggling blog Jugglingsubculture for the kind words about joggling and this blog.
If you have some joggling news to share, send me an email (thejoggler@gmail.com) or leave a comment below.
Thank you