A chance to make someone’s life better
Dear friends, family, and curious onlookers,
As many of you know, I will be joggling the Chicago Marathon on October 7th this year. It’ll be the 10th time I do this marathon and I’m looking forward to having a great race.
To make this year’s Chicago Marathon more special, I’m trying to raise money for a worthy cause. This is where I need your help. Would you please consider making a donation to help the world’s poor help themselves? Just click here to make a donation.
Global Business Assist
The group that I am working with is called Global Business Assist (GBA). They are a non-profit organization devoted to helping the poor help themselves. The way they do it is by making micro-loans that help create thriving economies in poor countries. According to GBA, as little as $50 can help a family feed themselves for life.
This idea is great because instead of just giving people a one-time assist, they teach people how to become self sufficient. It’s like the old adage “give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime.” GBA is dedicated to teaching people to help themselves.
(You can read more about GBA and their mission here http://www.gba.org/templates
How To Donate – 2 ways
It doesn’t take much to make a big impact to the lives of people around the world. To donate, please click on this link. (http://www.active.com/donate
If you would prefer, you can make a pledge today and I can collect the money from you directly. Just respond to this email with the amount you would like to pledge (e.g I’ll pledge $1 a mile or a straight donation of $10, $50, $100 etc.)
Thank you so much for any donation you can give. I’ll send a note to let you know how the joggling marathon went. If you’re in the Chicago area on October 7, come out and cheer us runners on. The race starts at 7 am and lasts until about noon. Your support helps us immensely.
If you’d like to catch up on what’s going on in the world of joggling, check out my daily blog (http://justyouraveragejoggler
Joggle on.
Good luck to your “objective”!