Joe Salter Tears Up the Pensacola Marathon
On Sunday, joggler Joe Salter completed his first joggling marathon with an incredible time of 3:47:12. A full 6 minutes faster than his previous marathon best in which he did not joggle. Just goes to show you that joggling doesn’t necessarily slow you down.
He did an excellent job getting the word out about joggling. Here is a pre-race joggling interview he did with the Pensacola News Journal. There’s even a video.
Then they did a follow-up joggling story listing his time and a discussion of his performance. Incredibly, he made it 21 miles before he had his first drop! Plus, he only had 2 drops the whole way.
Great work Joe!! You’ve done the joggling world proud. Now, we just have to wonder…what race will Salter joggle next?
Next race? A 50 mile ultra to try and beat your record! Haha. I’ve thought about it, and its tempting to attempt. It’s all up in the air, for now 🙂