Joggling Streak – Day 112
Summary: Ok, I’m still a bit sore from the marathon. It’s not awful but each stride sends a sharp pain reverberating through my thigh muscles. I’m joggling noticeably slower. But it was good to get out today. You can smell spring in the air. More people on the sidewalks help break the desolate loneliness of winter.
On my final stretch back home, a pickup truck pulled up along side and a guy rolled down his window to yell, “Dude, you’re my idol!! That is so cool!” I grinned, waved and said “Thanks”. Then, the muscle pain evaporated. I sped up and ran with a smile the rest of the way home. There’s nothing like a compliment to overcome pain.
Weather: 37 F and cloudy
Distance: 1.54 mi (Bucktown Recovery Loop)
Time: 6:46 pm
Run time: 14:09
Listening to: Skeptics Guide to the Universe
Weight: 198 lbs
Drops: 1
Condition: Leg muscles are sore
hahaha! That’s not the reaction I would expect from a pick up truck here in Georgia…
I hope your Nevada marathon went well, Perry. As for running in the days following a race — I know just what that’s like: the fillings in my teeth rattle.
no blog about the marathon? how’d it go? time?
Still working on it. I’ll save details for the post but it wasn’t a PR. Will be done and posted later today.