Michelob Ultra Half Marathon is Coming Soon!
My next joggling race will be this weekend’s Michelob Ultra Half Marathon and I’m looking forward to it. I remember joggling the race last year and it was one of the best run Chicago half marathons that I’ve done.
The course is on the south side of the Lake Michigan running path which is an area I don’t get to see very often. For the number of runners that do the race the area is perfect. Last weekend I did the Soldier Field 10 miler and the race course was just a bit too crowded for my tastes. You can imagine joggling on a crowded running path is extra challenging.
This time of year is a great one for doing a half marathon. I’m training for the full marathon in the fall and I’m going to use the Michelob Ultra Half Marathon as a way to gauge where I am in my fitness level. Even though I run every single day, I found that I don’t run fast enough to keep up my 1:35 – 1:40 half marathon results. We’ll see how I do in this one.
It should be a fun race and I’ll do a full report when I finish this Saturday June 7.
If you are interested in doing the half marathon just click here for more information.