World Team Joggling Endurance Record Set
Ok, this is old news but it’s new to me which means it’s probably new to most of the members of the JYAJ community.
On October 4, 2003, a team from Germany set the world joggling record for the longest distance joggled in 24 hours. For the attempt, Meike Duch and Andreas Lietzow organized 18 participants ranging from 9 to 80 years old. They joggled 109.79 mi (176 Km, 682 m) on a track in relay fashion. While I can’t follow the translation exactly, it seems that each time they wanted to switch participant the leaving joggler had to toss her ball to the starting joggler. This would’ve been a sight to see!
As an aside, these guys also set the following records which amuses me to no end.
1. World’s Greatest Smile (163,196 people simultaneously smile).
2. Reciting the numbers of pi from memory. (5555 numbers after the comma)
3. Reciting the numbers of e from memory (555 after the comma)
109 miles seems pretty far but that pencils out to only around 13 min/mile. I wonder if we could scare up enough jogglers to try and break this record. Brian, do you think there would be enough folks at Up For Grabs who’d want to try and break this record?
The group that originally set the record raised money for the charity Pysicians without Borders. I don’t know how much they raised, but it was more than nothing. Perhaps we could arrange to raise money for a charity. I just signed on with Global Business Assist (more on this later) so this could be the charity. Anyone interested?
I’m not much of a joggler (yet), but I’d be totally psyched to be part of a world record attempt. Even if it’s just for one lap. It would mean a drive from central Virginia, but count me in!
Alright! We’ve got 2. Anyone else?
Probably not enough at Up For Grabs, but I would like an organized attempt during an IJA Fest or EJC could get this broken.
Aren’t you the one training for an Ultra Marathon? Teach another one of those guys to juggle and beat it with a team of 2.
Brian, a pretty good idea about IJA or EJC. Maybe I’ll try to get something going next year. No time this year.
Also a good idea about the Ultra Marathon. I’m just not sure if I’d find another ultra marathoner daft enough to try it.
We just ran 190 miles in relay fashion. Do you think everyone can learn how to juggle for next year??? I think Brandon, Carla, and I could do it already. Then we would truly live up to the “We’ve got Balls” name.