Struck By Lightning and Other Odds of Dying
While joggling the rainy Chicago Half marathon I got to thinking about lightning. Would they cancel the race if it started to thunder & lightning? Maybe, but I’ve never been in a race where that’s happened so who knows.
Thoughts while running
But while you run over 13 miles (and your headphones aren’t working) you start to think about different things. I tend to think about things mathematical.
While being rained on, the thought of getting struck by lightning occurred to me.
What are the odds?
I guessed it was something like 1 in 13 million. That came from something I remember while growing up. Now I wonder if it is true.
According to this article on LiveScience the odds of getting hit by lightning is 1 in 83,930.
Wow, was I off!
But the article had a lot of other interesting odds of dying. This is interesting because if you are trying to live to 107 like me, you’ll want to know what kinds of things you should try to prevent.
Odds of dying for US citizens
Here is a list of some interesting things that could cause your demise.
1 in 5 Heart Disease
1 in 7 Cancer
1 in 23 Stroke
1 in 36 Accidental Injury
1 in 100 Car accident
1 in 121 Suicide
1 in 246 Falling down
1 in 325 Assault by firearm
1 in 1116 Fire
1 in 3357 Natural force like heat, cold, storms, etc
1 in 5000 Electrocution
1 in 8942 Drowning
1 in 20000 Air accident
1 in 60000 Tornado
1 in 83930 Struck by Lightning
1 in 100000 Venomous sting or bite
1 in 147717 Attacked by a dog
1 in 200000 Asteroid impact
1 in 500000 Killed by Tsunami
1 in 615488 Fireworks accident
Now, I wonder what the odds of being hit by a car while joggling are? They can’t be too high as I’ve never heard of this happening. It’s nearly happened to me a couple of times. If you are an urban joggler, be sure to look out for this danger.
“Falling down?”
Yeah, you know, slipping and falling. Lots of old people die this way. They lose their balance, slip to the ground and crack their head. Who knew the rate was so high?
[…] the odds of being struck by lightning are about 1 in […]