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A camera, a mountain, and a joggler

For the past week I’ve been out of town. And as you can imagine, working out while traveling is tough. Time, strange surroundings and spontaneous activities conspire against you to zap motivation and hamper your joggling efforts. But the joggling streak keeps me motivated and I wasn’t going to let a little traveling get in my way.

Joggling and skiing

First, it was a weekend ski trip with friends to Granite Peak, WI. For me, skiing is like mostGranite Peak skiing juggling other things in my life. My confidence generally exceeds my ability. I’ll try almost anything. Double black diamonds, sure. Moguls, bring ’em on. Trees? Of course. That is not to say I should do these things. On the slopes I have the grace of a three-month old puppy chasing a cat on a freshly waxed wooden floor.

But I believe you should embrace life and all the exciting opportunities it gives you. Yes, you might fall however, as long as it won’t kill you, go ahead and try it. This goes for joggling too. Sure, you might feel a little embarrassed at first. People gawk, give you strange looks. But slowly it will grab you. You won’t be able to stop. You’ll become the Joggler in your town. The world will become maggotty with jogglers! One can dream.

Most challenging about the ski weekend was working out. None of my compatriots were running inclined so it was a solo effort. After a night of card playing and drinking that lasted ’til 5:00 am, I woke around 8:00 am and mustered just enough energy to pound out 4 joggling miles on the hotel treadmill. Yes, hung over and tired, joggling is still fun. My friends think there’s something wrong with me.

Joggling in the mountains

When I got back from the ski trip, I had to turn around and fly out to Santa Fe for a work conference. The warm weather I was hoping for never materialized and on Tuesday night I again found myself joggling on a hotel treadmill. Maybe it was the higher altitude but I found it tough to run. That session I only managed 2.2 miles in 20 minutes.The next day the weather was better and the conference was over earlier. I got out for a joggle and made a video of it. Check it out here.

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You can hear the strong wind that made mountain joggling tough.  But the scenery was beautiful and vastly different from what you typically see in Midwest America.

I finally got home on Thursday and got a 3.5 mile outdoor joggle in just before going to see the live version of my favorite radio show.  This American Life.  Someday I hope to be on that show.  I just love it.  You should listen to it sometime.  It’s really great!

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