How To Break A World Record
A couple of weeks ago it was announced on JYAJ that I was going to attempt to break the world record for the fastest 50 mile joggling ultra marathon. I just got word from Guinness that my attempt is official. I’ve even got a claim ID number: 19XXXX.
It occurred to me that some of you would be curious how to break a world record (if you ever felt so inspired). So, here are the steps I’m following and ones that you could follow too if you want an “official” Guinness World Record.
How To Set A Guinness World Record
1. Figure out the world record you want to break.
You can submit any kind of record you want but Guinness only accepts certain ones. It’s easier to break an existing record than to make a whole new one.
2. Sign up with Guinness World Record website. Just click the link.
3. Sign up to Make a Record Attempt. It’s right there on the website.
4. Make your record breaking plans while you wait for their “official” approval.
This would include things like picking the event, the date, the venue, the witnesses, etc. If you’re going to do it during someone else’s race contact the race officials.
5. Plan your record breaking day.
Put together a plan for how you will get everything accomplished. Of particular importance is getting the record verified. For a joggling record, it’s best to have someone run alongside you (or ride a bike as Michal has done). Videotaping is great but not required.
6. Figure out how you will eat, drink, and go to the bathroom.
This is important for any endurance record attempt. Know all the rules required by Guinness too. If they say you can only stop at certain times, then you have to follow their guidelines. Who made them boss? I don’t know but you’re the one who wants to be in their book. For joggling follow the official Guinness Joggling Rules.
7. Do the event for charity and try to get media attention.
Guinness loves to see this. They like your record to get them a little media attention. Doing it for a charity helps get the media more interested. I’ll be doing my attempt for Global Business Assist. You can donate to the charity by clicking here. It would really make a difference if you could donate anything you can. Thanks!
8. Practice, practice, practice.
Do the event you’re going to try. For example, I always joggle when I train. Zach Warren doesn’t joggle every time but he does spend some time joggling just to make sure he can do it.
9. Be prepared.
Unexpected things will happen. Ashrita Furman says that he got a bug in his eye the first time he tried to break the world record for joggling a marathon.
For more on getting a world record, see Part 2 of this post, How to Get a World Record.
For even more on how to break a world record see what the man who holds the most Guinness World Records has to say.
*Joggling photos taken by Emory Kimbrough at the 2007 IJA Joggling World Championships
Glad you found such a flattering picture of me (571). 🙂 And that’s Andy Swan (566) right behind me.
[…] in August there was this post on How to Break a World Record. It was a forward looking piece because I had never actually done it. The good news is that all of […]