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Joggler Completes 25th Marathon

It’s taking me forever to finish my Chicago Marathon joggling race report, so I thought I’d just quickly put down my time and alert you that a race report is coming.

Time:  3:39:36

Darn!  Miss a palindrome by 3 seconds!!

No, I didn’t qualify for Boston either.  My goal of 3:20 was shot by mile 15.  I was done in by the heat & leg cramps.  The second half was a struggle.  But it was great fun.  You can read all about it after I chop down my 2000+ word tome.

In the meantime, there’s a picture I found on Flickr.  I love to relive marathons through Flickr.

This Post Has 5 Comments
  1. Congrats on your 25th marathon!! A palindrome time would have been so cool! I’m looking forward to your race report 🙂

    Speaking of Flickr, I just created a Joggling group on Flickr last night:

    Also, if you post a photo from Flickr, it would be nice to link back to the photo page on Flickr so readers can see who took the picture and find other photos from the marathon.

  2. Perry,

    Well done – that is still a seriously quick time! – I did my first 27 miler last weekend (joggle/run/walk) cross country and it took 5.5 hours so I’ve got a long way to go yet.

    I did got the great Geoff Capes to autograph one of my spare juggling balls at the start so may start a celebrity collection.

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