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Joggling for a cause – Do you need one?

Looking at some of my fellow joggler’s websites (Zach & Michal) makes me wonder…Should I start joggling for a cause? Now, I just do it because I can. Do you think I running and juggling in the UKshould figure out some cause and try to raise money through my joggling? Or is it just fine that I like to joggle because the people smiling as I go by makes me happy? Does joggling have to have a cause?

I really wouldn’t know what cause I should run for. I mean, people run for all sorts of worthy causes like cancer, diabetes, for the homeless or the hungry. How can you choose who you should support?

I already donate to NPR. Maybe I should run for them. I can get into the Leadership Circle and then hang out with the cool personalities on This American Life. What do you think Ira? Should I run for NPR?

This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. […] When I read things like this, I sometimes I think that I need a purpose for my joggling.  I’ve just not found one yet.  The best I have is National Public Radio.  I love NPR and am a donating member.  But it seems to lack some of the seriousness of other worthy causes.  I don’t know.  What do you think? […]

  2. […] When I read things like this, I sometimes I think that I need a purpose for my joggling.  I’ve just not found one yet.  The best I have is National Public Radio.  I love NPR and am a donating member.  But it seems to lack some of the seriousness of other worthy causes.  I don’t know.  What do you think? […]

  3. […] When I read things like this, I sometimes I think that I need a purpose for my joggling.  I’ve just not found one yet.  The best I have is National Public Radio.  I love NPR and am a donating member.  But it seems to lack some of the seriousness of other worthy causes.  I don’t know.  What do you think? […]

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