Juggling fest in Aurora Illinois
In the event that you happen to be in Illinois the weekend of October 6 thru 8, you should check out the Up For Grabs Juggling fest. Here is a copy of the email they sent me.
Hello Jugglers!!
We, the members of the Up For Grabs Juggling Club in Aurora, Illinois
(an IJA Affiliate), will be hosting the Fourth “Not Necessarily” Annual
Up For Grabs Jugglefest on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of October 2006. We
are planning lots of juggling, games, workshops, a free public show and
more. Details can be found on our website:www.upforgrabsjuggling.com/2006Fest/Festival.htm
Please spread the word around. Any inquiries please email:
Hope to see you there,
Tom Bonk and Karen Olvera – Jugglefest coordinators
Come to the festival. Especially if you are in Chicago. We are close, FREE, and easy to get to, right off the Regan Expressway.
Unfortunatly, after a year of helping plan, I am somehow going to miss it myself to attend a family wedding.
Brian Fahs
I’m going to try and make it.