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London Marathon Photo

I’m still in the process of writing up the London Marathon joggling report but I thought I’d post this picture.  It comeslondon marathon from a spectator of the marathon.  (Thanks Andy!)

Did I tell you how impressed I was with the crowd in the London Marathon?  They were really the best crowd of any marathon I’ve ever done.  (And that includes the Chicago crowd which was the best until the other day).  They actually stayed and cheered for us during a 90 minute rain pour.  They were great!

This Post Has 8 Comments
  1. Well done Perry – don’t know how you do it (I could probably keep up with you for about 2 miles). Especially in the rain – your hands must have been frozen.

    By the way you had a quick 1 second tv clip on the BBC on Sunday morning – they were doing a musical montage of various runners and showed you juggling for a second (unless there was somebody else with a red top and yellow juggling balls!).

    Were there any other jogglers in the race that you saw? – it would be nice to one day have lots of jogglers running in an event like this – just so they could stretch across the width of the road and prevent anyone overtaking – 🙂

  2. Congrats, Perry, on that great time and no drops in the rain! I think there should be a Guiness Book of World Records record for that one!

  3. Looking at this picture I’m even more impressed. What a great trick to run with a joggling ball balanced on your nose, for the whole of 26 miles… 😉

  4. Perry,
    Congrats on a good race.
    I did a 21km today joggling in pouring rain, and I’m very concerned that my balls will start to grow.
    Let me rephraze: Will the water in the GBallz germinate and swell up the seed filling? How waterproof is the stuff?

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