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Running and Juggling – Streak Day 78

Day 78 of a quest to joggle at least one mile every day for 1000 days in a row.

Summary: Finally did a long-ish joggle to the lake and back. I felt pretty good and enjoyed being outside, joggling for an extended period of time. I can’t wait until I get to run in some warmer weather however. Going to Florida in just a few days. That should be fun. I’ll do a 15 & maybe 18 miler. Haven’t done many long runs for this marathon training but it shouldn’t be a problem. I’m a joggling marathon veteran. One weird thing. How do I lose 7 pounds in 24 hours?

Weather: 20 F

Distance: 6.8 mi – To the Lake and Back

Time: 3:17 pm

Run time: 56:34

Listening to: Skeptics Guide to the Universe

Weight: 193 lbs

Drops: 0

Condition: Felt good. No pains, lots of energy.

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