The First Chicago Marathon Mistake 2008
After last year’s troubles for organizers of the Chicago Marathon, you would think they would be extra careful about running this year’s. So, imagine my surprise when I received this email yesterday.
The e-newsletter that was distributed yesterday contained an error in stating that the Bank of America Chicago Marathon is six months away. Please note that the race is actually five months away and will be held on October 12, 2008. We apologize for the error.
They missed by an entire month. I hope they have the right permits. Yikes!
Hopefully, this was just a minor screw-up but it does not instill confidence. You add to that the fact that LaSalle was acquired by another company and you just don’t know what you’re going to get.
I have to say that despite last year’s problems the Chicago Marathon has always been one of the best organized marathons I’ve done. I’m joggling it again this year so let’s hope that continues to be true.
I have several open spots available for Charity Runners in the 2008 Bank of America Chicago Marathon. Our organization is an official charity registered with the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. We are looking for runners to join our team who are passionate not only about running, but also about helping the word’s poor help themselves. Our approach is to provide micro-financing and business training to individual entrepreneurs in the developing world– thereby enabling them to create sustainable income for their families and build their communities. We call it “enterprise relief”. You can check us out at http://www.gba.org. Consider joining our Sudan Challenge. Availability ends soon. Thanks for your consideration and help!