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The morning of the longest run of your life

The way to train for a joggling ultra marathon is to run and juggle…a lot.

Today, I’m joggling from my house to my sister’s house. The total distance will be just about 30 miles and is the longest I’ve ever run.

I’m looking forward to it. Of course, it’s raining right now. Thankfully, there is no lightning so I can feel good about running with my iPod. I’m going to listen to “Skeptics Guide to the Universe“, Seth Godin’s book “The Dip“, and a poker podcast called “Ante Up“.

Here is a checklist of things to do/carry to prepare for the longest run of your life.

Stuff for longest run of your life

1. Watch. I use a Polar Watch with a heart monitor.
2. Running shorts. Wearing spandex today to prevent chafing.
3. Running shirt. Short sleeve, red, Under Armour modified to say “Caution: Joggler Ahead” on back.
4. Running Shoes. Brooks GTS – 7. They’ve got over 300 miles on them already.
5. iPod. But only wearing one headphone. One ear is clear.
6. Juggling bean bags. My latest set of Gballz.
7. Running cap. Shannon got me a new Nike vented hat.
8. Cell phone. Just in case I need to call someone.
9. Running pocket. My shorts aren’t big enough to carry a cell phone.
10. Money. I might get thirsty or hungry along the way so I can stop in a 7-Eleven for a Gatorade.

That’s it. Now, I just need to eat a bowl of oat meal and I’ll be off.

Joggle on.

This Post Has 8 Comments
  1. I hope your sister has some food for you.

    Two years ago I did a 30-mile joggle too. I was planning for 26, but a Toronto Star photographer wanted me to run to a scenic spot that added four miles to my trip.

  2. That is a long run! Taking podcasts along are a great way stay amused. Mind you – there is noway I could run, juggle and concentrate on an intellectual podcast by Seth Godin
    ; )

  3. Thanks for the comment Chris. I’m a huge fan of your podcast. It’s one of the best that I listen to and I listen to a lot of them. Keep up the great work!

    I encourage everyone (if you’re even slightly interested in poker) to listen to Anteup! You can find the podcast by clicking through the link in the post.

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