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There Is A New Joggling 50-mile Record

I’m tired so I’ll just post the time.


Beat the old record by almost half an hour.  It was a great race and I made it the whole distance without walking and with only 4 drops.  The wind off the lake was tough at some points.

More later.  Now, I’m going to veg out.

Joggle on.

This Post Has 12 Comments
  1. WOOHOO!!! Congrats Perry! Sorry I couldn’t witness the finish. It was great to be able to cheer you on. I can’t wait for the official word from Guiness.

  2. Perry, you are awesome. That is a grea time … and only four drops! You are the best joggling ultrarunner in the world. I’m wearing the JYAJ tshirt that you gave me in honor of your new record tonight.

  3. Perry, congratulations. What an incredible performance and a simply mind-boggling accomplishment. I yelled at you a few times in passing and hope I didn’t distract you! As I contemplate my next goal, I’ll look to you for inspiration.

  4. Hey, I ran the race with you. I was number 20… cheering you on every time I saw you. You fricken rock man! Congrats on your finish and I wish the best with your recovery! Take care

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