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You know you are overweight when

Yesterday, it happened. While sitting on the toilet, I heard a loud “CRACK”. Puzzled, I looked around but couldn’t find the source of the noise. When I got up, I knew. The crack came from my toilet seat. It succumbed to me and my fat joggling ass. So that got me thinking, how much weight is too much for a world class joggler?

BMI calculatorAfter a little searching I found this excellent site called the Scientific Psychic with a post related to weight and fitness. Most information in these areas on the net is bogus, but this one appeals to my scientific mind.

This site has a BMI calculator similar to one in a previous post on weight loss. The cool part about this one is that after giving you your BMI numbers it also tells you how many calories you should eat each day.

Here’s the weight and calorie advice it gave to this joggler.

BMI 25.4
Waist to height ratio : 0.45
Body fat: 14.2%
Lean body mass : 164.7 lbs

You are overweight by 1.7 kilograms (3.7 pounds)

Minimum caloric requirements: 2387 calories per day
Limit your diet to 2028 calories per day
to lose 2.6 pounds per month.
Your diet should contain at least 119 grams of protein per day.

That’s not too bad I guess. If I can drop 10 pounds by the time the Tampa Bay marathon comes around, I can certainly set a PR.

As for the toilet seat, perhaps a new “technique” will be required. I’ve heard people stand up while going in Europe. Maybe I’ll give it a try.

This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. […] One of the keys to getting faster is to lose some weight. To look at me you wouldn’t think that I’m overweight. I don’t think so either. However, when my numbers are run through the BMI calculator it tells me different. How can a 3-4 times a year marathon runner be overweight? My conclusion, there must be something screwy about the BMI. […]

  2. […] One of the keys to getting faster is to lose some weight. To look at me you wouldn’t think that I’m overweight. I don’t think so either. However, when my numbers are run through the BMI calculator it tells me different. How can a 3-4 times a year marathon runner be overweight? My conclusion, there must be something screwy about the BMI. […]

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