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5K Joggling World Record Nearly Broken

Tyler Wishau reports that he nearly broke the 5K joggling record last weekend at a Racine, Wisconsin Jingle Bell Race.  He joggled the race, drop-free, in 17:08.  This is onlyTyler Wishau joggler 13 seconds slower than the current 5K joggling record of 16:55.

It looks like Travis and Michal have got some competition.  I anticipate that one of these three men will break that long-standing record sometime next year.  Who knows, maybe even this Average Joggler will make an attempt.  Of course, that’ll be in the masters division.

Speaking of Michal, he wrote a great article about his joggling record breaking experience in the latest Juggle magazine.  For all you card carrying members of the IJA, check it out.

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