10 Weird Ways to Lose Weight
A thin joggler is a fast joggler. Here are a few wacky tips that might help you shed a few pounds.
10 Wacky Ways to Lose Weight
1. Toothpaste Diet – According to them you can lose weight by brushing your teeth right after you eat.
2. Gross yourself out – If you keep eating when you’re full, they suggest doing things to make yourself lose your appetite. Like putting your silverware handles into your food.
3. Purge yourself – Get rid of all the junk food in your house.
4. Eat cake – If you make cake, substitute applesauce for the oil or butter?
5. Squeeze into your fat clothes
6. Laugh – If you laugh, you won’t be as hungry?
7. Fidget – Research has shown people who fidget can lose weight. Start fidgeting.
8. Smaller plates – Get rid of your big plates and use small ones. You’ll eat less.
9. Exercise during commercials – Whenever a commercial comes on do pushups or situps.
10. Drink water – It has zero calories.
For more details, check out this post on Lifescript.
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