Gift ideas for your favorite joggler
The good folks over at Complete Running have put together a list of 25 gift ideas for a runner (or joggler).
I think the following are pretty good.
1. Body Glide: We wrote about this in a previous chafing post.
4. Magnetic Runner Night Light: Good for joggling in the dark.
6. Lock laces. My shoelaces do come undone on occasion.
7. Warm Gloves: These are a must for Chicago joggling.
8. Warm Socks: Another must for winter running in Chicago.
13. Snot Spot Wiper: Good idea, although I’m not sure how good it will be on the Gballz.
14. Snacks: They call these healthy. You might also consider one of the many fine candy bars for runners and jogglers.
23. Sport wash: Because you know your joggling clothes smell. This post tells you why your running clothes smell.
That’s all that I’d want. To this list I would add some joggling specific items.
26. A set of 3 Premier Gballz bean bags (Red, Sassy, & Baltic Blue).
27. The Mathematics of Juggling : This sounds like an interesting book.
28. Video camera: For taping your best juggling routines.
29. Jim Kweskin CD: Some of the best juggling music around.
Any jugglers or runners have more to add?
Oh Yeah, video camera is on the top of my list!
It needs to be lightweight though. I think it would be fun to run a marathon with a video camera.
Biggest problem you will have running a marathon with a camera is running out of tape/storage. 3+ hours without changing a tape is probably an issue. A nother idea would be strapping a digital camera to you some how and having it set to take a photo every 10 seconds or so. That would be 1200-1400 photos, something maybe doable on the larger Storage cards, or swaping a card in the middle of a marathon wouldn’t be that hard. Somewhere I saw a “Video” of someone driving across the country that did something similar. Photo every min or two for the whole trip. Edited into a 10 min video.
I have a copy of the mathmatics of juggling. A warning for any one getting it is that it is VERY math intensive. I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering and some of it was over my head. My Physics PHD father however greatly enjoied it.
brian, thanks for the tip about the book. I like juggling and math but I more along the lines of paulos than any real heady math. good tip about the video camera too. someday I’ll figure that out.