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Assault on the 5K record

The speedster joggler is at it again.  Michal Kapral is trying to break the world record for joggling a 5K.  The current mark of 16:55 set by Kirk Swenson has stood since 1986. joggler These were the early days of joggling.  You can read all about Kapral’s attempt at the Nissan Foundation 5K in Toronto.

My personal fastest 5K while joggling is 19:48 done in Berlin, Germany, 2005.  At the moment I’m not sure I could run a 16:55 let alone joggle one.  But I’m early in the training process.  To get better, you’ve got to have goals and inspiration.  Speedy jogglers like Kapral help make me want to get faster.

Good Luck Michal!

This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. […] This has been a pretty good week for my training.  I did a 15 miler on Sunday, 3 miles Monday, 7 miles Tuesday, no running on Wednesday, 3+ sprint miles on Thursday and 5 miles today.  With tomorrow’s 7 miler that will be 40 miles for the week.  Not bad but probably not enough to get me to the sub 3-hour marathon speed.  I need to add miles & I need to run faster.  It’s certainly a challenge to become a world record holder.  Just ask Michal who came up just 1 minute short of his 5K joggling world record attempt.  He’s still the fastest joggler I know though.  Congrats Michal. […]

  2. […] This has been a pretty good week for my training.  I did a 15 miler on Sunday, 3 miles Monday, 7 miles Tuesday, no running on Wednesday, 3+ sprint miles on Thursday and 5 miles today.  With tomorrow’s 7 miler that will be 40 miles for the week.  Not bad but probably not enough to get me to the sub 3-hour marathon speed.  I need to add miles & I need to run faster.  It’s certainly a challenge to become a world record holder.  Just ask Michal who came up just 1 minute short of his 5K joggling world record attempt.  He’s still the fastest joggler I know though.  Congrats Michal. […]

  3. […] This has been a pretty good week for my training.  I did a 15 miler on Sunday, 3 miles Monday, 7 miles Tuesday, no running on Wednesday, 3+ sprint miles on Thursday and 5 miles today.  With tomorrow’s 7 miler that will be 40 miles for the week.  Not bad but probably not enough to get me to the sub 3-hour marathon speed.  I need to add miles & I need to run faster.  It’s certainly a challenge to become a world record holder.  Just ask Michal who came up just 1 minute short of his 5K joggling world record attempt.  He’s still the fastest joggler I know though.  Congrats Michal. […]

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