Joggling 5K World Record update
Last week we told you about Travis Saunders’ attempt to break the joggling 5K world record. Well ladies and gentlemen, there is still no new world record for joggling a 5K. While Travis finished 6th in the event, he missed the record by a mere 10 seconds! His time was a blisteringly fast 17:05. He reported 1 drop, but wasn’t sure if that was what made him miss.
He’s planning to train a bit more and take another crack at breaking the world joggling record later in the summer. This time he’ll try it on a track. With a time like that, he should certainly be able to get the faster mark. He may also want to try his luck at breaking Michal’s 10K joggling record of 36:27. That might inspire Michal to return from his joggling “retirement”.
A 5,000m joggling duel on the track – now that’s worth coming out of retirement for.
The Joggling World would love to see it!