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Joggling in the news

You know a sport has hit the big time when it gets featured in an article on the Huffington Post.  Here is an article about joggling which includes a little history.  It is interesting to learn about the early origins of joggling as it applies to the IJA (International Jugglers Association).  I’m certain a number of people have independently “discovered” joggling but Bill Giduz is definitely one of the early pioneers. joggler-jottings

It seems there are a lot more jogglers these days however.  It’s always going to be an obscure sport but I’m not sure if I would agree with the classification of joggling as “goofy”.  When you see someone joggling you’ll notice that the bean bags integrate perfectly with the running motion.  When it’s done right you see little difference between a runner and a joggler.  And when it’s done by speedsters like Michal and Dana, you’re too far behind them to see anything.

Joggle on!

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