Tyler Wishau – Joggling Challenger for a World Record
For some people running gets a bit dull. To be great you have to log hundreds, even thousands, of miles a year. To fight the boredom, Carthage College sophomore, Tyler Wishau has incorporated joggling into many of his cross country and track workouts. His joggling skills have improved so much that he eventually hopes to achieve his goal of breaking the world record for the fastest joggling mile ever. He was kind enough to share his story.
JYAJ: What is the story of how you learned to juggle?
WISHAU: I grew up in Los Alamos, New Mexico. I spent a lot of time outside. My friend taught me how to juggle during recess in elementary school. Together we started a juggling club in 5th grade and learned to pass clubs by 7th grade. In high school, we got a $400 grant from the Small Business Bureau. With the money, we bought knives, rings, clubs, unicycles, business cards and newspaper ad space. We preformed for parties several times a month. Also, the public library system hired us to teach juggling workshops around New Mexico. My senior year I moved to Columbia, MO where I continued juggling and preformed a couple of shows for the Missouri Theater.
JYAJ: When did you start joggling?
WISHAU: I began running junior year of high school, and I am currently running cross country and track at Carthage College. I did my first joggling run last year as a freshman fall 2006.
JYAJ: Why did you start joggling?
WISHAU: Growing up I played a lot of ‘conventional’ sports like tennis, baseball, basketball, and snowboarding. I was not too thrilled at first to be simply a runner. Joggling spiced up the sport for me.
JYAJ: How many races have you done while joggling?
WISHAU: I hope to go to the IJA juggling festival in Kentucky to compete in real joggling races. Nov. 6th I will joggle a 5k.
JYAJ: What is your best story about joggling?
WISHAU: While joggling a dog walker’s dog ran at my feet and scared me. I looked down, and dropped a ball. The dog bit the ball. The owner returned the ball to me, and I had to run about 3 more miles with a slobbery ball.
JYAJ: What kind of training do you do?
WISHAU: I run between 55 and 70 miles a week during the cross country season. A long run about 13 miles on Sundays, workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays and mileage runs everyday the rest of the week. I try to take a day off every other week.
How long do you think you will keep joggling?
WISHAU: I have 2.5 more years of college running. I plan on joggling as long as my body is healthy enough to.
JYAJ: Do you eat a special diet?
WISHAU: I eat like a typical college student- lots of pizza, pasta, salad, ice cream. I eat in the Cafeteria for virtually all of my meals.
JYAJ: Do you have any advice for would-be jogglers?
WISHAU: Work on becoming comfortable with the cascade. Joggling will not be comfortable at first, but get some miles under your belt, and you will eventually be able to cruise.
JYAJ: Where do you see the sport of joggling in 10 years?
WISHAU: I would love to see joggling someday recognized by the NCAA as legitimate track event. My favorite track event is the steeple chase. I would love to someday run a decent time in the steeple joggling.
Thanks Tyler and good luck on all your joggling endeavors. And for more about Tyler Wishau and his joggling adventures, check out this recent news report. It’s really great. You can also see mention of Tyler on the Bloggling Joggler.
And go here for more for more joggling interviews.
[…] Tyler Wishau reports that he nearly broke the 5K joggling record last weekend at a Racine, Wisconsin Jingle Bell Race. He joggled the race, drop-free, in 17:08. This is only 13 seconds slower than the current 5K joggling record of 16:55. […]