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Joggling Journal – Running Streak Day 88

On a quest to joggle at least one mile every day for 1000 days in a row.

Summary: I really should’ve gone for a longer joggle today but I just couldn’t muster the energy. I did spend over an hour juggling by the pool. That should count as training right? When I get settled in Jupiter, I’ll do much better. I do enjoy joggling around the resort trail. Also, I went before going to an amusement park. Should’ve made things easier but I’m not sure it did.


Distance: 2.7 mi (2 laps around Caribbean resort)

Time: 3:20 pm

Run time: 20:32

Listening to: Brave New World

Weight: ? lbs

Drops: 0

Condition: Felt a bit warm, tired and my shins have been hurting

Shoes: New Balance

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