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Joggling Stories Around the Country

We here at JYAJ scour the news feed around the Internet searching for all things joggling. Here are some stories of real people doing some real joggling. More proof that the sport is much bigger than a single odd-ball in Chicago.

Half Marathon Joggling Record Attempt

Albert Lucas goes attempts to break the joggling half marathon record. Lucas is one of the original jogglers and he’s serious about it. He even formed the International Sport Juggling Federation. They don’t seem to be too active but there is a website (webpage).  Lucas is also one of the greatest jugglers of our time.

In the article, some of the “facts” in the article are a bit suspect. For example, there is no evidence that joggling was ever an Olympic sport. But we’ll follow up on this to see how he does in the half marathon. I’m not sure if there is an “official” world record, but I’ve done the distance as fast as 1:34 and Michal and Zach have done at least 1:24 or faster.

Speedy Michal

Speaking of joggler Michal, he reports that he recently completed the Scotia Bank Marathon in Toronto.  No joggling this time but he wore a costume instead.  He finished in a blazing 2:54 for a costumed marathon PR.  Next up for him is joggling the Royal Victoria Marathon this Sunday in BC and then a Cayman Island marathon in December.  He’s an amazing joggler.

UPDATE:  You can see a press release of Michal’s upcoming race here.  And here is yet another story about Michal’s joggling.  This guy knows how to generate press!

Livingston Completes Akron

Speaking of amazing jogglers, remember David Livingston?  We heard about a joggler sighting in the Akron Marathon and figured it must’ve been him.  Indeed, it was David.  He was shooting for a 4-hour finish and ended up setting a joggling marathon PR at 3:58.  He reports having a few drops but only one in which he nearly got trampled retrieving it.  Ah, the perils of a marathon joggler.

Goldmeier Joggles Twin Cities

Finally, our good joggling friend Barry Goldmeier tells of his experience in the recent Minnesota Twin Cities marathon.  He had a tough time with the weather as it was cold, windy and rainy.  He’s hoping to have a better experience when he joins the Average Joggler at the Chicago Marathon this weekend.

Have you heard a good joggling story?  Leave a comment or send an email to thejoggler (at)

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