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Joggling Strategy for Getting an Edge in a Sprint Race

As you may know, I’m participating in the IJA World Joggling Championships in Lexington, Kentucky two joggling championshipsweeks from now. These races will be different than the normal 5K, 10K, Half Marathon and full Marathon distances that I usually do. There will be sprint races of distances like 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, etc. instead.

Well, it turns out that scientists have discovered that sprinters lined up in lane 1 actually have a starting advantage of those lined farther away from the inside track. They measured the reaction time of sprinters in the 2004 Olympics and found that the closer you were to the starter gun, the faster your reaction times were. These hundredths of a second could be the difference between joggling for gold or stumbling for silver.

I know I’m going to try and get closer to the starter gun in these races. This Average Joggler is going to need all the help he can get.

Are you going to be at the IJA Joggling Championships this year?  Leave a comment below and let us know.  I want to get some more interviews.

This Post Has 4 Comments
  1. First the Guiness Book of World Records now the World Joggling Championships! Good luck, Perry! Wish we could be there to route you on – we will be there in spirit anyway!

  2. I’ll be there, definitely. I just joggled my first 10K in Lexington today (I live here), and incredibly, I was the only joggler. I definitely enjoyed telling people that a) yes, it is a growing sport, and b) the WORLD championships are happening here in less than two weeks.

  3. Perry, Best of luck in Lexington. Go get it! Also, congrats on your bit in this month’s issue of RW. Sweet! Cool to know I was running out there with you when you set that record on the lakefront last year.

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