Joggling Streak Journal – Day 56
Summary: A bit of a longer juggling run to make-up for my lack of a long run this weekend. When marathon training, you have to get the miles in. Your body doesn’t know it’s not the weekend.
A fun moment happened in the last half-mile of this joggle. I was running along the sidewalk when I came up to this group of teenage girls who were waiting at the bus stop. They turned, saw me and started hootin’ and hollering. “Are you a magicians!?” yelled one girl. I smiled as I joggled by and said “Of course!”
Then as I crossed the street, another girl came running up behind me yelling “Wait, I want a hug!” Confused, I kept going. She yells again “Hey, aren’t you going to give me a hug!?” I stopped, turned around and she came running up to me. She put her arms around me and said “I just want a hug.” We embrace for a moment; she smiled and ran back to her friends. I grinned and resumed my joggling. As I got farther away I heard the girls giggling and laughing. “Did you see that!? I just got a hug from the magician guy.”
Meanwhile, Ishmael described to me the bone structure of a sperm whale.
Weather: 24 F, Cloudy, gray, snow & slush everywhere. Tough to run.
Distance: 8.16 mi – Lincoln Park Zoo loop
Time: 2:42 pm
Run time: 1:12:42
Listening to: Moby Dick – Chapter 96 – 102
Weight: 193 lbs – lose 6 pounds in one day?
Drops: 1 – dropped while trying to pass a pedestrian by joggling through a snow bank.
Condition: Strong workout but my left calf felt like it was going to get a Charlie Horse at any moment. Still hurts 1 hour after being finished.
Shoes: Old Nike shoes
ROFL… You are attracting groupies 🙂
Should I be concerned that random teenage girls are wanting to hug you.:) Pretty funny! You are quite the local celeb.