Jonas Eberlein – World traveling adventure joggler
It’s been a little while since we’ve done a joggler interview but we’ve got a great one today. Jonas Eberlein is a joggler who joggles marathons around the world. He’s 22 and hails from Erlangen, Franken, Germany. I first learned of him from the IJA Joggler Forum. He was going to joggle the New York Marathon and was looking for some advice.
JYAJ: When and Why did you start joggling?
JONAS: I started joggling just some two years ago, in the summer of 2005. My dad was passed by a joggler while doing his second marathon and told me about it. I thought, “I could do that!”
I tried in New York, in 2006 and failed miserably – but what I did do, was run a marathon (my first one ever) while juggling three balls.
JYAJ: How many races have you done while joggling?
JONAS: My major races are my two marathons, the rainy and windy Moscow International Peace Marathon 2007, just three weeks ago. And the sunny cheer-boasting ING Diba New York City Marathon in 2006. Additionally to some smaller competitions, I have started two times in Fruehjahrskriterium, a hometown race of 25 km distance.
JYAJ: What are some of your favorites?
JONAS: New York City. It is (I’d say) the best place ever to run your first marathon. There is no way you could give up – because every single runner gets so much attention and support from the crowds; plus the organisation is just perfect.
Crossing Verazano Narrows bridge with the helicopters above your head, a colored band of Marathoners running towards the skyline of Manhattan, blinking on the horizon on a sunny day is just incredible. It gives you so much energy the marathon feels like a 10 k training run.
JYAJ: What is your best story about joggling?
JONAS: Germans in general are not very appreciative of individual achievement. A standard jogger or cyclist would never be cheered or hailed when not in a race. And even a joggler is being ignored by half of the people he passes by on his training runs.
But one time, I just came joggling along the pedestrians way when a car exited from a mall and blocked my way. I could easily have passed him by his rear, like any other pedestrian would have done. However, instead of just waiting for his turn entering the street, the driver set back into the driveway of the mall, stuck up his thumb, cheered at me and let me pass. It was just great!
JYAJ: What kind of training do you do? How fast do you run?
JONAS: I used to follow a pattern of one running day – one day rest, about 10 to 20 km, no special speed training, just stretching before and after. Recently, I am suffering from a slight inflammation along the shinbone – so I am taking longer pauses in between runs.
My speed is around fourty-five minutes in 10 k, and five hours for a marathon.
I am fencing in my fencing club – which helps a lot to coordination and reaction speed. But most importantly: watching television. No, not just watching! Juggling while watching a movie. It is excellent exercise before running a marathon.
JYAJ: How long do you think you will keep joggling?
JONAS: Good question. I am intending to reach 100 years of age, and I hope I will keep on joggling the remaining 78 years.
JYAJ: Do you eat a special diet?
JONAS: No, I just make sure I get a lot to drink.
JYAJ: Do you have any advice for would-be jogglers?
JONAS: Try and run in your local races – take your time and enjoy the crowds cheering
JYAJ: Where do you see the sport of joggling in 10 years?
JONAS: I hope there will be payed jogglers in every major marathon some day. But ten years? What about an international joggler’s network participating in marathons worldwide. Courses at US schools and in German sports centers for kids. How about seniors joggling classes? I’d say it is the perfect way to stay “auf Zack” (hard to translate; it’s not only fit, it is also being extremely quick, smart and witty)
JYAJ: Have you ever tried to joggle anything else than balls?
JONAS: Small rods, 24 km run, 2:20 h. (Take a look at his blog for pictures.)
Jonas will be either joggling the EURASIA Marathon in Istanbul or the Beirut Marathon on 16st of November.
Thanks Jonas. You’re doing your part to spread joggling throughout the world.
Joggle on.
I just wanted to wish you good luck on Sunday! I’ve seen you joggling along the running path a few times this season and it ALWAYS brings a smile to my face! I’m looking forward to reading about your race. 🙂
Keep on joggling, hope you reach your goal of 100!
I have just come back from Beirut – don’t go there it’s way too dangerous – says my foreign ministery – and they may be right.
Still; I did the Marathon down there, joggling along the corniche.
blogspot.com is not to be accessed from Syria, so you’ll have to wait till spring to get some pics…
all the best, Jonas