Juggling in the Chicago Tribune
I haven’t seen the newspaper but our local paper (The Chicago Tribune) did a story on a variety of runners that completed last weekend’s Chicago Marathon. Apparently, yours truly got a small paragraph mention in the Tempo section.
I looked online and found the article. They also had some pictures of the finishers and this joggler was among them.
Even more amusing was the picture they took of my brother Paul who did the entire marathon wearing a Harlem Globetrotters uniform and wig. Like I said, my parents had a lot of kids. We all had to do something to get them to pay attention to us.
Update (10/29/06) – Brian Fahs of Up For Grabs fame was kind enough to scan and post the joggling write-up here.
You want me to put a copy in the paper in the mail to you? Drop me an address. I do believe it was that photo that was in the Paper. Cropped a little bit. Next to the photo was a breif parpagraph that as I recal said something about how Just running the marathon must not be hard enought, and your Time.
Perry, now you’re making the Tribune. That’s big stuff. You’ve graduated from the little papers and Runners World to the Trib. Congrats!
Thanks Karyn. It’s fun to see yourself in the paper. Although, I don’t think I look so great in the picture.