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Just Your Average Joggler Restart

I can’t believe it has been nearly 4 years since I stopped regularly writing on this blog. I’ve continued to joggle. In fact, my outdoor joggling streak is up to over 9 years now.  Today is day 3345.

I just haven’t spent any time writing about joggling.  Too busy doing it I guess.

Joggling has actually gotten more popular in the last 4 years. There are a number of new jogglers out there and perhaps I could do an interview with them in the future.  You see a lot more jogglers on Instagram, Facebook, and a bit on Twitter. Instagram really seems to be the place though.

I’m just starting slow with this restart. I’ll write about joggling when I feel like it.

Ideally, I’d like JYAJ to resume as a place for jogglers or people interested in joggling to learn about the sport. I encourage people to pick it up because it is incredibly fun.  Along the way there will be tips on equipment, running, juggling, racing, and whatever else I think is relevant.  I’ve already written a lot about joggling and I am going to go back and clean up some of those old posts. I’m even going to try a joggling podcast and video channel. We’ll see what I actually end up doing though.

But for today, here is my attempt to restart the joggling website. My first step is to redo the blog theme. It’s been in need of that for a long time.

Joggle on!

Perry, 44

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