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What is JYAJ about?

Since I lost most of my website in November of 2013 I’ve had a hard time getting back to posting here on JYAJ. I’m happy to have revived all of my posts from 2006 – 2008 and much of 2009 but everything from late 2009 – 2013 is pretty much gone. Sigh. I have copies of some of the things but not all.

Anyway, this disaster does give me the opportunity to start again somewhat so that’s what I intend to do. And the best way to get started is to go back to the beginning and explain what Just Your Average Joggler is all about.

A lot of people write running blogs as a way to keep track of their workouts, thoughts and observations along the way. You can get lots of ideas while running plus you can see all sorts of strange things. There’s a lot of life going on every day which most people miss because they don’t take time out to see it. When you run every day, you see lots of life.

Who is JYAJ for?

While I like writing about my own adventures I never wanted this website to just be about me. I’ve always had you, the reader, in mind. Specifically, the ideal reader is someone who is interested in running, juggling, exercise, living healthy, science, and joggling.

What is JYAJ about?

I certainly want to write entertaining posts but it is even more important to me that I write useful posts. And these posts will be about topics that are relevant to the following subjects.

1. Joggling
2. Juggling
3. Running
4. Nutrition
5. Weight Loss
6. Living a long time

Here’s a mind map I once made of the contents of this website.

That should be enough material to write pretty regular posts. At least for a couple of years. If you are interested in contributing something to this website, I’d be happy to publish it.

Joggle on!

This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. Glad to see you are back! I saw that the dates on the most recent article had slipped back into the previous decade and wondered what happened. Traveling and joggling is always too much fun, thanks for sharing your travels.

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