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The Evening Before Juggling A Marathon

Just before I leave I wanted to get in my last post. I added up the numbers to see how well I did versus my training schedule.european juggling

I was following a 17 week schedule that required me to run about 670 miles. However, I ran about 564 miles (500 plus joggling) for a shortfall of about 106 miles. That’s still 120 miles more than I’ve ever trained for a marathon, so I anticipate a better time. We’ll see.

During the training I went from 190 lbs to 186 lbs. I would like to be running at 180 lbs because it could make me faster, but there’s not much I can do about it now. Something to shoot for next race.

I’ve also put 410 miles on my shoes. The shoes I happen to be running in right now are Reebok Premier Ultras, size 11.5 US (10.5 UK, 45 EUR, 29.5 CM). They are good shoes but do not provide a lot of cushion anymore. The rubber at the bottom has worn out on the back heel. I should probably have gotten a new pair about 100 miles ago but there’s nothing I can do about that now either.  These shoes have been with me this long. They’ve still got one more big race in them before retirement.

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