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Latest Happenings in the Joggling World

Here are just a few of the joggling episodes happening around the world.

1. Michal has posted a brief summary of his 5K joggling world record attempt. Most interesting is that his competitor Simon Hodge had 5 drops and still managed a 17:04 time. Incredible!

2. Terry Heidt amazed the joggling world on August 24, 2008 by joggling the entire marathon leg of Ironman Canada. It took 5.5 hours to complete and he finished the whole thing in 14 hr 15 min. Wow! Look for a separate post on this soon.

3. Katia Richardson is joggling the New York marathon this year and needs your donations. She’s raising money for Fairbridge, a charity helping troubled young people get their lives back on track. You can donate to her cause at her website here.

4. Joggler Timothy Perram had a dropless 4 mile race last week at the Fire Run from La Jolla to Pacific Beach in San Diego. He finished with a great time of 30:30.

If you have some joggling news to share, leave a comment below or send me an email.

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