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New Gballz for the Summer Joggling Season

Yesterday, I opened my mail and saw the white USP package for which I’d been waiting. I was hoping it would get here before Saturday and it did. Who says the United States Post Office is unreliable?

The package was from tthe good folks over at Gballz. They sent me three new joggling bags for my upcoming New joggling bean bagsTV appearance. (More on that later). While I love my current set of Ultraleather Elite bags, they have been through a lot in the last year and were starting to look a little weathered.

They were dropped in mud, dropped under a running treadmill, and water-logged in the London marathon. They even briefly developed a strange stain reminiscent of those visions of spiritual beings in weird places.  I never did figure out what caused the marks or why they disappeared.

My new set is the ultra suede series. They are a colorful shade of orange and have a light, soft feel. Unlike many bean-filled, suede bags these are not over stuffed to make them feel hard as a rock. They are smooshie but feel solid when you catch them. A true joy to juggle. I haven’t tried joggling with them yet but I’m looking forward to doing that tomorrow during my next big race, the Quarryman 10 miler.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

This Post Has 4 Comments
  1. Are G-balls really good for joggling? I have a set of stress balls that are perfect weight, size, and everything, but they are starting to smell really bad. I can’t even keep them in a closed container because of the smell, but I love how they work. I don’t know what a regular set of juggling balls feels like, so I’m wondering if I should go for g-balls some time in the future or stress balls again. I really like the texture of stress balls and their density, so I’m not sure what regular beanbags are like

  2. Gballz are what I use for joggling. I’ve tried a variety of types but from a durability standpoint, the Ultraleather Elite balls are the best. They made it through a Chicago winter, and over 1500 miles of joggling.

  3. Matt – If you like the Weight and size of your “Stress Balls”, just tell Greg from Gballz what you want and he can match the size/weight of what you have in Gballz.

  4. Perry – I will be interested to know if you like the new balls as well. My guess is these wont last as long as the Ultra Leather Balls did.


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