Something to Think About When Exercising
Here’s a thought exercise you can use to pass time while you’re joggling, driving in the car or otherwise engaged in something requiring little mental activity.
I have this friend who has the interesting habit of alphabetizing any word she hears. You can tell her a word and she’ll spell it back for you with the letters in alphabetical order. It’s quite a skill. This is an amusing enough thing to do but try this twist.
Mind Letter Game
Starting with a 2 letter word, come up with words in which the letters are in alphabetical order. I’ve been able to get a 6-letter word but not 7 or higher. Can you?
2 letter word = IT
3 letter word = BET
4 letter word = ACES
5 letter word = CHINS
6 letter word = ACCENT
doing this will drive me crazy!
dgion hist illw deirv em acryz!
Perry, what do you use to keep track of your workouts and miles?
I’m looking for a decent database that gives me month and week totals and averages. I’ve done something in MS excell which I use, but looking for something more user friendly.
ANyone with any program or excell spreadsheet they use, please mail met at henwood007@gmail.com