To Sleep or To Juggle That is The Question
One of the main reasons I started joggling was because I could get more done in less time. I like to run for health and juggle for fun. Combining the 2 activities is just a great use of time.
To live life to the fullest you have to combine where you can.
This is also the reason for listening to audio books while working out. It’s incredibly efficient.
I’ve often wished I didn’t have to sleep because sleep is one of the least productive things you can do. Sure it feels good but except for lucid dreaming, there isn’t much else you can do while you sleep except sleep.
One of my favorite quotes “You can sleep when you die.” So, you can imagine I try to minimize sleep time.
Sleep problems for running jugglers
Unfortunately, reducing sleep time may actually be having unfortunate, unintended consequences. According to this sleep study, lack of sleep can actually double your risk of death from all causes!
This is terrible as it is in direct conflict with my goal to live until I’m 107.
And according to this Running Times article, lack of sleep can also:
1. Interfere with glucose metabolism – You’ll be more likely to “bonk”.
2. Raise levels of cortisol hormone – You’ll have a harder time recovering.
3. Reduce levels of human growth hormone – Your muscles won’t repair as quickly.
On the plus side, I always find that I am much more creative when I have less sleep. But if this is going to kill me, maybe I’ll try to get a bit more sleep.
My typical sleep pattern is going to bed at 11:00 or 11:30 pm and waking at 5 or 5:30 am. That seems like enough, right?
“My typical sleep pattern is going to bed at 11:00 or 11:30 pm and waking at 5 or 5:30 am. That seems like enough, right?”
Um, probably not. Everyone’s a bit different, but most people need 8.5 to 9 hours of sleep a night to be completely rested. Here’s the only question you need to ask yourself: If you don’t have to get up at any particular time, and you go to bed at your normal time, when do you actually get up feeling adequately rested? If it’s later than you normally get up, you’re not getting enough sleep.
Well, I do wake up without an alarm clock.
My sleep patterns are interesting. If I get an even number hours of sleep I usually feel reseted, an odd number leaves me feeling…odd. It is probably psychosomatic however.
As you age, you need less sleep…at least that’s what I’ve heard. Not sure if it’s a good thing. But i accept it.
Drugs are not a good thing.
“Well, I do wake up without an alarm clock.”
So do I. I normally get up at 6:25 am weekdays. On weekends, without fail, I wake up at 6:25 as well. But I’m still tired, and if I stay in bed I’ll drift back off and happily sleep for another couple of hours. This tells me that I’m not getting quite enough sleep during the week and my body is playing catchup when it can.
If you really wake up rested after only six hours a night, more power to you! I’d certainly be happy to get another couple of productive hours added to my day, but right now my body says “no”.