What city did you run to?
On the last day of last year, I joggled my 4 remaining miles and made my 1500 for the year. That means I could’ve run all the way to Philadelphia and back. I wonder how many days that would’ve taken?
Inspired by Arcaner, next year I’m going to go for 1800 miles. This is a nearly 20% increase but hopefully, it’ll make me a faster joggler. Another goal is to actually make it into the world record book. Perhaps not as the fastest marathon joggler but maybe as the fastest ultra marathon joggler. A guy’s gotta dream right?
This year I’m also going to revamp the blog design and layout. I’ve already mirrored this blog at https://justyouraveragejoggler.com but I haven’t officially moved it. That will be happening in the next 2 weeks. Doing a blog on your own hosted service gives you a lot more flexibility so I’m going to try it.
Happy 2007
[…] Joggle for 1800 miles. 2. Joggle a 100 mile ultra marathon 3. Break a world record 4. Qualify for Boston […]