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Four miles to the finish

joggling juggling chickenOuch.

That’s the first thing I thought waking up this morning. Ouch. This joggler’s legs are sore. Yesterday, I did the first double digit mile joggle in over a month. I seem to have forgotten just how far 15 miles can be. Or maybe just how sore 15 miles can be.

It was a perfect day for running and the 2 hours or so that it took me allowed for listening to a complete episode of The Skeptics Guide to the Universe and half episodes of The Naked Scientist and NPR Technology. I love those podcasts!

There were plenty of other runners out and I received at least 10 comments and numerous smiles as I juggled by. That made me happy. It also helped me forget about how painful things got after mile 12.

So, as it stands I’m 4 joggling miles away from breaking the 1500 mile mark for the year. No problem. Yes, it’s raining today and I’m super sore, but that goes away after about a mile.  Anyway, the feeling of satisfaction from a goal achieved will last forever. Or at least for a week.

Have a great New Year my joggling & running compatriots. Looking forward to a great year of joggling in 2007.

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