Chicago Lakefront 50 50 Eve
Went on the last joggling run before tomorrow’s race. I have to keep the joggling streak alive. Unfortunately, I feel sick. I’ve got a headache, sore throat and a bit of a fever. Not good the night before a race. Also, it’s raining. Fates are conspiring.
No matter. I had an excellent pasta dinner and am all set to go. I’m rarely this prepared before a marathon.
Lakefront 50/50 Moment
Just wanted to report one fun incident that happened while picking up my packet tonight. I was standing in line behind another runner who was picking up her 50K packet. The packet pick-up is much less ceremonial than the mighty Chicago Marathon. This is just a lady behind a counter at the local Fleet Feet store. In the packet you get a number, 6 safety pins, and a red, long-sleeve running shirt. It’s not much at all.
Anyway, the girl who was in front of me says her name and I looked at her. Hmmm. I say, “Do you write a blog?”
She says hesitantly, “uh…yeah”.
“Of course, you’re the Running Jayhawk!”
“Yeah? Do I know you?”, she says with a nearly frightened inflection.
“Oh, I’m the joggler. I’ll be juggling in tomorrow’s race.”
“Oh, the Joggler!” she exclaims! Then she gave me a big hug.
It made me smile. Thanks Running Jayhawk. Good luck tomorrow.
Really, what are the odds that something like that happens. If it hadn’t been determined by the initial conditions set out at the moment of the Big Bang, I wouldn’t believe it.
Joggle on.
I luv meeting other bloggers. And I’ve already warned them all to expect a hug. It’s like meeting up with old friends. Have a great race!!
Now go break that record!
How cool you met Barb, she is a cool chick and good friend.
It was wonderful meeting you, too!
Although, when I got to the car I kinda stopped for a moment and thought about how that hug could’ve freaked you out. I swear I don’t go around hugging strangers all the time. Mike just laughed (and he got some great photos of you during the race, once we upload ’em I’ll send them your way).