Eight questions to ask yourself when creating a training plan
It feels like I’ve been gone forever! I just got back from a holiday driving trip to Maryland. I love long driving trips.
Anyway, a long driving trip gives you a great opportunity to read a new book. The book I read was Daniels’ Running Formula. This book was chosen because it is supposed to contain the key to making you faster.
So far, it’s a great book. There is plenty of information I’d never heard before so maybe I’m learning something. I’ve made it through about half the book so I can’t do a full review just yet. However, here is an interesting list of questions to ask yourself when figuring out your training needs.
- What is your current fitness level? The book tells you how to figure that out.
- How much time (weeks) is there until your key race / races?
- How much time can you devote to training (hours per day)?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses in areas of aerobic capacity, endurance, speed, etc.?
- What kind of running do you like to do?
- What event are you training for? I’m always working toward marathons.
- What conditions (environment, facilities) do you have for training?
- How solid is your joggling ability?
Answer these questions for yourself and it’ll be a lot easier to put together a training program. In future entries, we’ll look at next steps to creating a training program.
Also, look for some upcoming entries based on much of the content in this book such as Breathing Tips, Treadmill Workouts, and Adjusting to the wind.
[…] Read a good running book like Jack Daniels Running Formula and another good book on juggling like The Complete […]
[…] nombres d’entraîneurs et est sur la table de nuit de pas mal de coureurs à en croire les témoignages sur les sites spécialisés. Jack Daniels est un ancien nageur, médaillé par équipe en 1956 et […]