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Gearing up for the Indianapolis Mini Marathon

Just a quick post to let everyone know that tomorrow I’ll be doing the Indianapolis half marathon. It should be a fun race. I indymapwent to the expo today and was impressed with how large it was. I didn’t expect such a big turnout for this race. Apparently, there will be over 30,000 runners. That should make for an excellent crowd to enjoy the joggling!

I joggled around Indy today to complete my 165th day in a row of joggling. It was a short run (1.75 miles) but fun just the same. The crowds on the street loved to see the joggling. One guy even stopped and took a few pictures. Wonder where those will end up.

More about the race tomorrow.

Joggle on!

PS. Happy Birthday to my wife Shannon.

This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. Hope you have a good race! I look forward to doing another half-marathon. They’re a lot of fun, and less exhausting than marathons.

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