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How To Make Time For Joggling or Running

On rec.juggling Benas complained in this juggling thread that he had no time for juggling. According to him,

This week my mum sayd – “This is no time for juggling, go to do your homeworks!”

Many of you non-jogglers must also have this problem when it comes to running. There often seems to be little time forstretching running, juggling or joggling. To keep a joggling streak alive, I’ve had to figure out ways to make joggling an integral part of my life. Here are six ways you can do to make sure you always have time for running, juggling or joggling.

Working in your workouts

Almost everyone feels their life is too busy. But we all get the same amount of time, 24 hours a day or 1440 minutes. Are you really making efficient use of those days and minutes? Probably not. Try some of these tricks.

1. Always have your equipment handy.

If you have your stuff, it’s more likely you’ll use it. To make it convenient, carry a small set of juggling bags. Some people might keep their juggling stuff in a pouch or bag. Not me. The idea of a “man-bag” still gives me the heevie jeevies. And for runners, always bring your running shoes. Leave a pair in the car for emergencies. You can run in any kind of clothes but a pair of gym shoes is key.

2. “Run” your errands.

Urban jogglers like me should be literally running to stores instead of driving. The miles start to add up. I use this technique on the weekends a lot. For example, instead of driving 3 minutes to Cold Comfort for tasty bagel breakfast sandwiches, I joggle there in 7 minutes.

3. Run to your car.

If you go to a party and have too much to drink, take a cab home. Then the next morning strap on the gym shoes, pull our your juggling bags and joggle to your car.

4. Run to school or work.

Are you still taking a bus or driving to work? Shrink your carbon footprint and start joggling. You might want to carry a towel, deodorant, and a change of shirts in case they don’t have showers for you.

5. Joggle while watching tv.

A treadmill is a great way to get your joggling workout in and still do other things. You wanna see that episode of Grey’s Anatomy or Family Guy. Watch while joggling on a treadmill.

6. Read while joggling.

If your homework assignment calls for reading a book, there’s no better way to read than listening to someone read it to you. Get the audio version of a book (check out, put it on your iPod and go joggling. I’ve read over a dozen books this way including “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”, “The Iliad”, and “The Fountainhead”.

And check out this post for more tips on running everyday.

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