Joggler Journal – Running Streak Day 133
Summary: Today was a recovery run day. Yesterday’s Shamrock Shuffle involved running faster than I usually run so my legs were naturally a bit sore. I was finally able to convince Shannon to do a run with me. She did a good job. She kept pace the whole way and didn’t even stop to walk. I was proud. Joggling without headphones and at a slower pace is sometimes a nice way to get a break from the typical streak day. It would’ve been perfect had the weather been 10 – 15 degrees warmer. No matter. Just being alive and able to joggle with my wife makes me happy.
Weather: 37 F, partly cloudy
Distance: 1.3 mi – Bucktown Recovery run
Time: 10:38 am
Run time: 13:44
Listening to: Nothing. Left the headphones at home
Weight: 199 lbs – Getting fat!
Drops: 0
Condition: Felt good. A little sore but good
Shoes: New Balance – 205.7 mi
Joggling Streak – Day 133 on 12seconds.tv