Joggler Updates
Two of the jogglers featured on the joggler interview pages have been doing their job to inspire the world with joggling.
Civillico Joggles Disney
Item #1 – Jeff Civillico joggled the Disney Marathon this weekend finishing in 4:24. According to Jeff he was happy with how it went. He said he had a few drops and had a tough time around mile 18. But he finished strong. Great job Jeff!
New Joggling Video
Item #2 – You have to check out this great new joggling video put together by Joe Salter. He’s training for the Pensacola Marathon which will be his first joggling marathon. He shows off some great joggling tricks that you should try when you get a chance. The backwards joggling, spin around trick is just great. Excellent job Joe.
Do you know of a recent joggling story in the news? Leave a comment and let us know.
Congrats, Jeff! Way to push through. Like the article where you said that the “air is the canvas” in juggling.
Thanks for the post, Perry. And, glad you like the backwards spin trick. I use that one for fun to mix it up a bit on a joggling run.