Joggling Interview – Andy Swan Joggling Pioneer
Andy Swan is a quintessential joggler. He has been a mainstay at the IJA Joggling events and probably has more medals than anyone in the history of joggling. He is a clown juggler by trade and credits joggling for saving his life. We talked with him at great length at the IJA Juggling Fest this year. And here are his answers to his joggling life.
What is the story of how you learned how to juggle?
SWAN: My older brother George taught me back in 1966 when I was a freshman in High School. I thought juggling was so fantastic I began juggling a couple of hours a day.
When did you start joggling?
SWAN: I ran track throughout High School & I often joggled & entertained My track teammates as a way to relax & have fun between races.
Why did you start joggling?
SWAN: Joggling was fun & unique I loved it !
How many races have you done while joggling?
SWAN: Approximately 150 races mostly at IJA track competitions.
What are some of your favorites?
SWAN: I enjoy joggling every distance from 100’s to the marathon’s. The last 3 years I’ve sponsored the SWAN CUP. the all event trophy that goes to number one decathlon joggler at IJA joggling championships
What are some of your most interesting joggling stories?
SWAN: I can laugh about it now but it wasn’t funny then ! About 15 years ago, I showed up at a juggling IJA track meet with no running shoes – I remembered that ZOLLA BUD from South Africa ran barefooted. So, I thought if she could do it I can too. I joggled in a 4×400 relay, and on my leg I was OK halfway through the race until my toes started burning – without realizing it I was tearing my toes up. At the end of the race my toes were HAMBURGERS ! ( I found out later that BUD had taped up her toes to prevent any damage like I’d experienced) Like I said, I can laugh about it now! At the time I couldn’t walk normally for a WEEK AFTER JOGGLING .
What kind of training do you do? How fast do you run?
SWAN: As you know I’m trying to break your joggling streak record of 444 days. I’ve been going for approximately 205 days. I joggle minimum of 1 mile daily more if I feel good. I joggle at about a 10 min. mile pace
Do you eat a special diet?
SWAN: No, just try to stay away from the JUNK food. (easier said then done!)
How long do you think you’ll keep joggling?
SWAN: As long as my body holds up! I’ve got two herniated discs – 2 bad hips – 1 gimpy right ankle and I’m
constantly fighting my weight. I’ll take it year to year (I’m looking forward to 2009 )
Do you have any advise for would-be jogglers ?
SWAN: Yes, cross train! Ride a bike, swim walk, stay active. Be careful to train on soft trails or grass to minimize impact on the joints
Where do you see the sport of joggling in 10 years?
SWAN: If IJA continues to support joggling with the annual world championships every year. I see joggling expanding. I’d like to see joggling taught in every P.E. program in America
Is there anything I didn’t ask that you thought I should?
SWAN: I always promote the health benefits of joggling – weight control – lower cholesterol etc. It’ an activity that is good for good health! My mom always said “It’s better to wear out than to rust out!” My favorite thought is
“Remember we don’t stop joggling because we get old. We get old because we stop JOGGLING !”
Happy joggling to everybody
Thanks Andy! If you’d like to contact Andy, check out his website the Swan Brothers Circus. We’ll keep tabs on how you’re doing with the new joggling streak. It might inspire me to start mine up again.
Check out the joggler interview pages for more joggling interviews.