Joggling Mentions Around the Internet
If you’re looking for information about joggling then you’ve come to the right place. At this blog you can find articles about how to joggle, how you’ll be treated while joggling and some tips on doing it the “considerate” way. But we here at JYAJ are not the only ones talking about joggling. Take a look at these recent joggling mentions.
The Discovering the Meaning of Stonehenge blog talks about yours truly on this joggling post.
Anders Kierulf was interviewed about joggling on TV. It’s a pretty good story. Just click on the video on the right.
Mercury Worm has a great series about his joggling adventures in the OC.
The Bloggling Joggler has announced he’ll be doing an ultramarathon 100K. No joggling though.
Ed tells us about the real value of juggling. It’s not just about showing off.
Some video of last year’s joggling duel in Salt Lake City. (Michal beat Zach but failed to set a world record).
Jagdu Fresno tells how joggling stories inspired him to go running.
And the PastaQueen at Half of Me gives her take on joggling.