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Joggling Streak Update Day 138 – First Joggle at 40

Day 138 of a quest to joggle at least one mile every day for 1000 days in a row.

Summary: Today was the first workout of my forties. I started off with some pushups to see how many I could do. Only managed to squeak out 60. I weighed myself. 197 lbs. Then I went joggling. It was the longest one since the marathon (10 miles) and it felt great!

At the start of the run, I was listening to the Moth podcast. Such a wonderful show. While listening to a story about a guy and his sick wife, I actually started crying a bit. I almost never cry about anything so this struck me as odd. There is something about running / exercising that makes me more emotional. I wonder if other runners feel the same? The story was reminiscent of something I might’ve heard on This American Life. It was great.

By the time I got to the lake, I was feeling pretty good. Hundreds of other runners were out, the sun was shining and it felt like summer in the city (except for the 40 degree temperature). I passed crowds & crowds of runners and heard lots of encouraging comments about my joggling. Joggling is fun but it feels great when there are crowds around who you can make smile.

On my way home, I enjoyed the wind at my back and the cool air that coated my lungs. The -5 degree joggling days are gone with my thirties. Nothing but sunny days and slower qualifying times to look forward to in my forties.

Weather: 44 F, sunny with a slight breeze

Distance: 10 mi – to the Lake drinking fountain and back

Time: 8:38 am

Run time: 1:21:49

Listening to: Pont of Inquiry, The Moth, Skeptics Guide to the Universe, Nova Podcast

Weight: 197 pre-run, 193 lbs post-run

Drops: 2 hit a sign & one I just misjudged.

Condition: Felt great! A little tired after 2 miles but got better

Shoes: New Balance – 230 mi

Joggler Streak Day 138

This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. Happy Birthday Perry.
    You beat me at hitting 40, but I saw that coming.

    Where’s the podcast you refer to? Looking for more material to listen to while joggling.

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