Juggling in a Triangle
Bounce juggling is pretty cool but this one is just great. It’s amazing how well the balls bounce in that triangle. This is juggler Michael Moschen.
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yiuI04Ak2w 350 425]
I wonder how difficult it would be to do some bounce joggling?
I get dizzy just watching that amazing demonstration 🙂
There’s actually a (parody) clip of bounce joggling on Peapot’s “Three Balls Different Ways” video. The uphill bit looks pretty good, but downhill is another matter altogether…
I’d say bounce joggling is definitely Not Recommended.
Do Riley McLincha’s “drubbling” marathons count as bounce joggling?
I routinely jogglie against walls when I run past them, and off street signs, bridges and any flat surface I come across. It’s addictive.
My favorite joggling trick is to throw a ball up over a no parking sign, tree branch, or street light. Sometimes I throw the ball up over 30 feet in the air and can still catch it back into the pattern. What a rush!